
Saturday, August 28, 2004

Images of Beauty

I was browsing through New York Times' T-magazine today. I came across Fall Fashion trends, colors, the usual what's in and what's out. Of course, pictures were included of pencil-thin models draped in Yamamoto designer coats, Gucci shoes and Calvin Klein lingerie. It seems animal prints are the "thing" this Fall. I saw some of the photos and I was truly apalled. If a woman came sashaying down the street wearing leopard skin tops and bear-skin furs and crocodile boots with dark, raccoon eyeshadow, I would truly think that she had no dress sense. I mean, what normal women have we seen ever wearing some of the audacious things ramp models wear? I don't even know who buys the stuff that they display in fashion shows. Everyday life, regardless of how melodramatic we would like it to be, is rather mundane. And I cannot imagine a guy liking a woman dressed like she just finished hunting the entire zoo! (perhaps, guys do. Who knows? What say, guys?)

Interestingly, the magazine also had a story about Kate Winslet. Winslet has refused to become twig thin to satisfy the industry and has retained her rather curvaceous form and market-value.

There are men and women I've met in everyday life that many would consider beautiful/handsome. But they are nothing like the models who adorn fashion magazines and conform to so-called "norms" of good-looks. Mrs. L is one of the most elegant ladies I've ever met in my life. Though over 65 years now, she is at once elegant, charming and has the most captivating presence in any gathering. A PhD in math and a professor for over 30 years at UBC, Vancouver, she is one of the most well-read and cultured women I've ever seen. I introduced one of my friends to her at a party at one time and he did a double take and exclaimed, "Man, what a stunner!" and he was only 19 years at that time!!!!

The first thing anyone notices about S is her colorfulness. From the clothes she wears to accessories, it is a medley of at once complementary and yet striking colors. It makes me happy just to look at her because she is so full of life and color! And my friend J deserves special mention. Though not the traditional handsome profile, he has a quiet strength and character that makes him attractive to more women than he cares to know (or knows)! And I know many girls who go completely ga-ga over his smile (if he chooses to, which he doesn't do very often. You should smile more, J)!

These are all regular people. And yet they would drown out the beauties/studs in ordinary day-to-day life. I think all that makes a difference between an ordinary looking visage and a strikingly beautiful one is a honest smile and kindly eyes....

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